Saturday 4 February 2017

Kerja ke sambung belajar??

Assalamualikum and good afternoon everybody!!

Ok, semalam member2 pakat ddok share psl upu pnya sistem dh bkak and hari ni bleh bli id kt bank yer, but it is only for lepasan spm, stpm and seangkatannya. So, for us yang lepasan diploma nk further degree blom bkak lg, bln 8 nty lah bru bleh further study. So, sdh smestinya untk menunggu smpai bln 8 tu kne krje dlu,, xkn la 4 bln nk goyang kki kt rmh je, ye dok?? praktikal hbis hjung bln 3, so in the middle of bln 4 tu dh bleh krje laa, dpt jgk duit nk bli bju raya ke mnde, knn...

But the problem is, when i start to work, i think the feel to study will be disappeared and honestly, within the current condition, i think i will just forget about the study, and just working....hewhew..maybe..can't make a definite decision yet..of course education is very important especially in the globalization world, competition bnyk nk dpt krja tu tp rezeki itu ad d mna2 ad sijil ke, diploma ke even xde degree, master and so on tu ke klau ad rezeki ad laaa diselitkan sekali dengan usaha. Nowadays even yg ad degree pon ssh nk dpt kerja, org ckp sbb mmlilih kerja, maybe yess, but dunno lahh knn sbb rezeki ni Allah yg bgi.

I can't deny that eduaction is very important especially for women, klau esok2 xprlulah nk depends on husband 100%, in case klau jodoh xpnjg at least ad jgk certification yg kau bleh mntk krja bgos2 nk sara diri tu..kalau bleh biar lahh ad rmh dlu lps tu kreta, sbb kite xthu mse dpn kite, doa je lahh yg baik2, sbb tu preparation kne ada, xnk lah dh bsar pnjg still n m,ghrapkan parebnts, ye dokk???

Hmmm begitulahhh..klau yg mmpu untuk further study smpai ke master, phd, further lahhh. klau xmmpu krja dlu, ad rezeki kite sambong bljr. In my case, working is better, ikot kmampuan n current condition yg kite face right now...we just have to keep faith and believe that everything is going  to be ok,Allah knew what the best for us and His plan is better yet the best.

that's all i guess, bye! and Assalamulaikum..

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